Year 4 Hooke Court

After nearly 15 years of excellent residential visits to Hooke Court, we are looking forward to returning there with our Year 4 cohort of children in November 2023. Hooke Court is a small, rural family-run centre that offers superb facilities and a secure environment in which to provide our pupils with an inspirational residential.

Why Hooke Court?

  • Over 20 years’ experience providing a safe & stimulating setting.
  • Excellent safety record & years of recommendations.
  • Fully qualified centre staff to lead sessions, ably assisted by Portway staff.
  • Superb trips since 2010 – thoroughly enjoyed by all!

During the day . . .

  • Team building & orienteering activities.
  • Cooking a Roman feast
  • Weaving cloth / making jewellery/pottery jars
  • Learning about Roman technology – aqueducts & arches
  • Forming a ‘Testudo’ & using shields to stage a Roman invasion

In the evenings …

  • Learning about life in the Roman army
  • Exploring replica Roman clothes
  • Creating mosaic tiles
  • Building & firing onegars
  • Roman Boot Camp (nicer than it sounds!)

Parent Information

  • Entire cost for the 2 nights and 3 days is £170
  •  A £30 deposit is due into school by Friday 16th June at the latest.
  • Payments can be made in any amount all the way through to the end of October.
  • The final payment must be made by Friday 20th October 2023.
  • The leaflet has a slip to complete and return to the school office, complete with a deposit, to confirm a place.
  • A payment card will then be issued to log payments made.
  • Please note that should you withdraw your child from the trip after the 1st September 2023 we will be unable to reimburse any monies paid. The office must be informed if you decide to withdraw your child at any time. 

Please complete the form via the link below to confirm that you wish to sign your child up for the Hooke Court 2023 residential (please also complete if you do NOT wish to sign your child up): Hooke Court Sign Up Form

Please note that any payments should be made via Scopay. If you do not have a Scopay account, please contact the office at [email protected]

Useful Links:

See the Hooke Court Presentation: Download

Hooke Court Parents Guide: Download

For further information visit: