Pride of Portway

Learning Together, Achieving Forever, Soaring with PRIDE.

Vision and Values 

Our vision for Portway Junior School is to be the pride of our community; to enable great progress for every pupil through expert teaching and a broad and balanced curriculum that prepares our pupils well for their futures. Our aim is for our school community to be positive, resilient learners who behave with integrity, are dedicated to their learning and are encouraging of others. We aim to do this by focusing on behavioural values and learning values

2023 School Vision and Values

For a deeper understanding of our school vision and values, we invite you to download the 2023 vision and values pack. Within its pages, you will learn more about our core principles as a school, and how our values of PRIDE shape our school community.

Download PDF

Understanding Our Learning Values


We believe it is important for all pupils and staff to have a positive mindset and attitude to all learning so that we can tackle the challenges that we will face. We understand that mistakes will help us to do this as they are an essential part of our learning. We know that our behavioural values must be lived out in our school all of the time so that we create a positive and calm atmosphere for learning 


Staff and children will persist more with their learning in an environment where everyone is respected and with an understanding that life can often be challenging. Together we will show resilience in our learning and in helping each other to achieve personal goals. We will set high expectations of what we can achieve. 


Integrity means always doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. Pupils and staff acting with integrity are truthful, dependable, caring, genuine and worthy of trust and respect. They stand up for what is right, show commitment and inner strength and lend a helping hand.


We believe dedication to our learning is vital for everyone to achieve success. Pupils and staff will always give their best, inspiring in each other a passion for learning and serving the school community with integrity and pride. 


We believe that everyone has the opportunity to achieve highly and reach their potential. We believe it is important to create an environment that supports driven individuals and encourages others to join them in the journey to achieve great things. We believe that everyone can contribute to this through the encouragement of each other.

The Portway Code

The Portway code shines as a guiding light for our young learners. "Ready, Respectful, Safe" is not just a motto; it is a way of life that shapes our students into responsible, compassionate and confident individuals.

Our Portway Code